Daniel Munteanu
Ion Vicovan
Ciprial Streza
Marius Telea
The Perspective of Saint Ambrose on the Church-State Symphony
Jan Nicolae
"The Chalice is my Life" - Father Ion Iovan, the Eucharist Martyr in the Communist Prison
Dylan Pahman
The Sweat of Christians is the Seed of Martyrdom: A Paradigm for Modern Orthodox Christian Witness
Athanasios N. Papathanasiou
Contemporary missionary efforts in the Orthodox Churches: limitations and possibilities
Ioan Filimon
Interreligious Dialogue as a Missionary Imperative in a Postmodern Society
Alexandru-Corneliu Arion
The Metaphysical Frameworks of Buddhism. Premises of the Dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity
Cosmin Lazar
Truly Human Enhancement. A philosophical defence of limits (Nicholas Agar)
Editorial Board
His Eminence Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Laurentiu Streza, Metropolitan Bishop of Transylvania, Romania
Prof. Dr. habil. Daniel Munteanu
Rev. Prof. Dr. Mihai Himcinschi